Post by EstrangedJust wondering if anyone has used ground spikes instead of cementing
fence posts.....??????
I saw these at Home Depot,& was looking at using these for a
Has anyone used these???????
Any comments...suggestions....?????
I used them once but sold the house a year later. In that year, there
was no problems with shifting etc but I only used them on a short piece
of fencing with a gate.
The one thing about the spikes is that you'll need a sledge hammer and a
piece of 4x4 inserted into the spike to drive it down. Make sure the 4x4
is a couple inches or so higher than the edge of the spike so that you
don't damage the edges. (No...don't try to drive them down with the
fence post in it. It'll only destroy the top of the post).
You might want to slam pretty well the entire spike into the ground (you
can access the bolts by digging out that section a little). Be sure to
water proof the bottom part of the fence post well. I used tar.
And of sucks if you try to drive them into a spot where
there is a boulder a foot down. That can be a real concern given that
the fence has set distances between the posts. So, in the end, you may
end up doing some digging.
We must change the way we live
Or the climate will do it for us.