17 years old is way to young to be in command of a high hp machine,Even
a 600cc bike can hit speeds of 275kph in the blink of an eye! These
bikes are capable of very high speeds, very quickly, 1st gear is capable
of 100kph and then you have 5 more gears to go through.
Think of the fastest automobile you can think, a 600cc sport bike will
make it look silly off a traffic light, Remember this is just a 600cc
bike most of the kids I see around ride 1000cc bikes!! Add that to the
immature teens riding them and you have a recipe for disaster.
Remember when you were young not much mattered and you were invincible..
Until Newfoundland and Labrador gets a graduated license system, you
will see this every season, the accidents will continue and the death
tool will rise.
Education and Training along with a proper license system would make a
difference then the these kids wont be able to buy such a high powered
machine at such a young age.
Post by a sensible driverTo the 15 or so idiots and assholes that just left west side Charlie's
in Mt. Pearl (Out Placentia Road) may your donor cards be full filled.
It's speeding, cat walking, tire smoking pricks like you that give good
motorcycle riders a bad name.