Where to buy Canned or bottled seal meat??
(too old to reply)
Drummer Ed
2006-07-11 12:53:46 UTC
Anyone know where I can purchase canned or bottled seal meat in/around
St. John's?

2006-07-11 13:13:37 UTC
Bidgoods in the Goulds has it.
Post by Drummer Ed
Anyone know where I can purchase canned or bottled seal meat in/around
St. John's?
Drummer Ed
2006-07-11 15:52:51 UTC
Gerald, thanks for that information.

I was thinking after I posted this question that they may have it.
Glad to get confirmation.
Post by Gerald
Bidgoods in the Goulds has it.
Post by Drummer Ed
Anyone know where I can purchase canned or bottled seal meat in/around
St. John's?
2006-07-13 01:23:50 UTC
Post by Drummer Ed
Anyone know where I can purchase canned or bottled seal meat in/around
St. John's?
I've also seen it at Stockwoods in the past...
Drummer Ed
2006-07-13 13:56:39 UTC
Thanks for the suggestion. I called there after reading your post..
unfortunately they no longer sell it. They did suggest Belbin's
Grocery.. called there and they don't have it either. The guy at
Belbin's suggested Halliday's Meat Shop.. nope, none there either.

Bidgood's Supermarket does have it though. 6.99 for a 12 ounce jar...
in case anyone else is interested. :-)

Post by Feckless
Post by Drummer Ed
Anyone know where I can purchase canned or bottled seal meat in/around
St. John's?
I've also seen it at Stockwoods in the past...
2006-07-13 15:16:49 UTC
If I'm not mistaken,Gerard Kavanagh in Ferryland also makes up bottled
Seal,Moose,Caribou,pork hocks, etc.
Post by Drummer Ed
Thanks for the suggestion. I called there after reading your post..
unfortunately they no longer sell it. They did suggest Belbin's
Grocery.. called there and they don't have it either. The guy at
Belbin's suggested Halliday's Meat Shop.. nope, none there either.
Bidgood's Supermarket does have it though. 6.99 for a 12 ounce jar...
in case anyone else is interested. :-)
Post by Feckless
Post by Drummer Ed
Anyone know where I can purchase canned or bottled seal meat in/around
St. John's?
I've also seen it at Stockwoods in the past...
Tim Marshall
2006-07-13 16:15:05 UTC
Post by Drummer Ed
Anyone know where I can purchase canned or bottled seal meat in/around
St. John's?
Ed, or anyone, for the love of all that's holy, if you're planning to
ship this, make sure it's packed properly. 8)

Here's an example of why it's important...

In June, we travelled to attend our daughter's wedding - my wife was to
do the cake as well.

Someone travelling on the same plane had a box full of rabbit guts,
mussels and fish. These were all in glass mason jars. And the foolish
git "packed" them into a cardboard box with no other packing.

Of course, this box was put on top of a large suitcase of ours with new
clothes, wedding gifts and cake making equipment. And of course, with
the irresponsible means by which the owner of this box had "packed" it,
most of the jars broke and spent the three hours in flight leaking all
over this suitcase, plus a suitbag with suits/dresses in it.

I really didn't appreciate having this moron's fish juice all over our
stuff and having to frantically pull everything out of the suitcases in
the baggage pick up at Toronto all because someone was fucking stupid
and inconsiderate enough to put unpacked glass jars full of filthy
steaming shit in a cardboard box. West Jet bought us a new suitcase on
the spot and paid for the drycleaning that had to be done.
Unfortunately, in the confusion, all the cake decorating supplies were
lost at the airport and of course we didn't realize it until the
afternoon two days before the wedding when my wife started to bake the

So anyway, just a little story for anyone planning to send fish to the
Tim http://www.ucs.mun.ca/~tmarshal/
/#) "Burp-beep, burp-beep, burp-beep?" - Quaker Jake
/^^ "Whatcha doin?" - Ditto "TIM-MAY!!" - Me
2016-04-27 14:29:05 UTC
You can contact Goodwater Seafoods, we are bottling seal as we speak! Check out Facebook or contact at 330-7340. Thanks!
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